Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Wednesday: 08.10 5:00-8:00 freestanding handstand hold practice - better! + A. Front squat, 8 x 3 @ 65% 1RM, 10X1; begin a set every :60...PR the front squat...just means the weight goes up on % work...ha! B. Unsupported 1-arm DB rows (so no bench, slight bend in knees, big hinge at the waist), 3 x 6-8/side, 20X1; :45 between sides 70-88-88 + 5 rounds nice & steady - treat this as movements practice again, save the intensity for the rows: 2 strict muscle-up 2 deadhang to inverted 2 strict toes-through rings 2 squat snatch, 135 2 overhead squat, 135 2 alternating overhead forward lunges, 135 Pace was slow and skill was low...need to get more solid in positions. Can't seem to hold a false grip either + 3 sets: :40 row @ 97% effort 4:50 rest All near 234m - 125.5-24 cals #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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