Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Saturday: Warmup: 5:00-10:00 handstand walk & triple-under practice - just a few rounds back & forth, all non-fatigue - ehhhh A) Hang power clean from just below the knees 6 x 2 starting moderate & building to as heavy as possible with good footwork; begin a set every 2:00 - finished with 200 B) Behind-the-neck split jerk build to a heavy single for the day (not a true max) hit #235 and it felt good C) 5 sets @ even output - goal is to make these aerobic/calm/sustainable 3:00 of [.5 mile Assault Bike + 6 heavy med ball to shoulder + burpees in remaining time] 2:00 rest 15-16-17-16-16...the heavy ball and I were a sweaty mess at the end... D) 3 rounds not for time 6-8/side light Powell raises, 30X0 :30/side plank #crossfit #crossfitmasters 10:00 mobility work of choice
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