Barbells and Bikes
Life, food, Bikes, Crossfit, and whatever else I find myself pontificating about...
Saturday, April 30, 2016
I think we had some good pickups at the @roguefitness Garage Sale...what'd think @seth.stockmeister @kaylacarl00 @kellidubdub
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Back moving on this rainy Saturday...and after a @roguefitness garage sale trip... 3 rounds not for time: 15' forward bear crawl + 15' backward bear crawl :30 2-arm passive hang from bar + 3 sets: 1/side Turkish get-up #53 500m row easy(1:55 pace) 2:00 walk rest + 3 sets: 3 dead hang to inverted w/:02 pause @ top & controlled descent 2:00 #AirDyne easy 2:00 walk rest + 2 sets not for time: 20-30m/side 1-arm DB(#75) overhead carry 10/side light DB (#10) external rotations #CrossFit #crossfitmasters
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Thursday, April 28, 2016
Well...that was different...#roadbike #blastfromthepast #jnod #crossfit
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Wednesday, April 27, 2016
The 2016 @crossfitgames season is over for me. The Masters Qualifier is finished and now it's time to take a few days and recover! Hit some mobility and an easy 2 miles on the @assaultairbike this morning! #crossfit #crosfitmasters
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Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Back on the Singlespeed and stealing a ride from Mother Nature! #29sngl #bike #mtb #getoutside #crossfit
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Sunday, April 24, 2016
My boy @jdm87c putting in some work this AM before heading out to #protectandserve After some Front Squats hit hit a 12:00 AMRAP of 200m run + 30m OH Yoke Carry(#195)! 6 full rounds! Dude was killin it! #RISC #dowork
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Saturday, April 23, 2016
The aftermath of @crossfitgames Master's QualifierEvent many rounds do you think I finished? And thanks to @thebarbellbearclaw @kaylacarl00 @kellidubdub @beezel88 @jdm87c for the support on this one! #crossfit #crosfitmasters
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That hurt... @crossfitgames Masters Qualifier Event 1 done! Nasty one! #crossfit #crosfitmasters
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Friday, April 22, 2016
and so it begins... @crossfitgames Masters Qualifier Event 4 For time: 55 bar facing Burpees 34 Overhead Squats #95 21 muscle ups Guess my time... #crossfit #crosfitmasters
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Thursday, April 21, 2016
Here we go! Looking forward to this test! #crossfit #crosfitmasters @crossfitgames @rxsmartgear
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Wednesday, April 20, 2016
New wall ball targets! Thanks @seth.stockmeister! #RISC
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Wednesday: Grooving the system before the @crossfitgames Masters Qualifier... A. Snatch pull 3 x 1 starting @ snatch max and add; begin a set every :90 205-215-225 For 9:00: 1st: 5 shoulder-to-overhead 135 2nd: 7 kipping handstand push-ups 3rd: 9 box jump w/step-down 24 3 sets: :15 row sprint(9-10-10 calories) 2:15 walk rest 12 sets: :30 Assault Bike @ high but sustainable aerobic effort 500 watts :30 Assault Bike @ 50% 4 miles 145 calories kept the HR in the 160s #crossfit #crosfitmasters
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Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Beautiful evening to ride at Scioto Trail! #mtb #bike #getoutside #crossfit
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Tuesday...that #rowlife...hah! Felt better this morning than yesterday... 04.19 5 sets: 1000m row increase pace every set so that only last is tough 2:00 walk:rest 2:10/2:05/2:00/1:55/1:50) Just over 60 hours til the @crossfitgames Masters Qualifier events are announced! #crossfit #crosfitmasters
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Monday, April 18, 2016
Monday...the struggle is real today... 04.18 A. Squat clean thruster, build to a heavy single in 10:00-210...ehhh weak! B. Pistols, 5:00 practice - 12-16 solid reps total - uglier than last week, but no Oly shoes today... + For time @ 97%: 5 muscle-ups(UB) 10 squat snatches, 115(rough singles) 5 muscle-ups(UB) 2:11...felt rough on the snatches... + 5:00 rest + For time @ 97%: 5 bar muscle-ups 10 power cleans, 155 15 CTB pull-ups 10 power cleans, 155 25 toes-to-bar 4:05...BMUs were the only thing that felt good... 3 more sleeps til the @crossfitgames Masters Qualifier... #crossfit #crosfitmasters
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Sunday, April 17, 2016
Beautiful morning to be on the bikes! Same trails a week ago were snow covered! #getoutside #crossfit #mtb #bike
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Saturday, April 16, 2016
Saturday: 04.16 3 rounds not for time (just a warm-up): 5-6 light/moderate seated on floor - 35-45 :30 2-arm passive hang from bar + A. Power clean, build to a tough single in no more than 5 attempts above 135 - 245...missed 255 + 5 rounds steady: 9 handstand push-ups 12 box jumps or step-up/step-downs, 24 15 Assault Bike calories 11:38...all HSPU unbroken, held the AB to 350-400 watts + 3 sets @ 97% effort - 7 touch-and-go deadlifts - 225 - felt light today 7 bar-facing burpees 14 row calories 5:00 walk rest 1:30...rower issue... :55 :53 #crossfit #crosfitmasters
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Friday, April 15, 2016
Friday: 1 week til the #crossfitgames Masters Qualifier... 04.15 A. Squat snatch, build to a heavy single in 10:00 185...just missed 205 B. 1 & 1/4 back squats, 3-3-3 moderate; 2:30 rest-225-245-255 + AMRAP in 9:00: 100 double-unders(UB) 75 wall balls, 20 to 10(15s) 50 CTB pull-ups(mess...bunch of 1s) max muscle-ups in remaining time - 3 MUs + 3 sets not for time: 4-5/side moderate 1-arm DB rows, no tempo#70 15 unweighted hip extensions #crossfit #crosfitmasters
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Thursday, April 14, 2016
5 days later an back in the same trails...72 and no more #snohio #ohiowx #getoutside #bred #mtb #crossfit
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Wednesday: 04.13 A. Overhead squat from the ground, build to a moderate double in 7:00 -135-185-205-215 + For time: 5 muscle-ups(UB) 10 Assault Bike calories 4 muscle-ups(3-1) 10 Assault Bike calories 3 muscle-ups(UB) 10 Assault Bike calories 2 muscle-ups(UB) 10 Assault Bike calories 1 muscle-up 4:13 + 5:00 rest + For reps: 5:00 of [5 CTB pull-ups + 10 hand-release push-ups + 15 air squats] 5 rounds :60 rest 3:00 row calories 65 calories :60 rest :60 burpees 23 Burpees #crossfit #crosfitmasters
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Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Tuesday: A. 1 snatch-grip deadlift + 1 snatch pull, 6 x 1 beginning at snatch 1RM; begin a set every :75 - #205-#225 B. Jerk (any variation), 10:00 to build to a heavy single - #235 split + Every :90 for 5 sets: 6 shoulder-to-overhead @ 135 + 30 double-unders(:30ish) + Every :90 for 5 sets 8 touch-and- go deadlifts @ 185 + 16 alternating box step-up/step-down @ 24 - :50ish + 10 sets: :30 Assault Bike @ 90% aerobic(500-600 watts) :30 Assault Bike @ 50% 124 calories, 3+ miles #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Monday, April 11, 2016
Monday: 04.11 A. Hang squat clean, build quickly to a moderate/tough double-#215 B. Thruster, build quickly to a moderate but fast single out of the rack - #205... C. Pistols, 5:00 practice - no more than 20 total reps today - a bit better this week + AMRAP in 7:00: 5 burpee toes-to-bar 3 squat clean thrusters, 155 6 + 1 squat clean thruster...awful! + 3 sets not for time, rest between movements: 3 bar muscle-ups 21 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 10 #crossfit #crosfitmasters
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Sunday, April 10, 2016
At least it was a trail ride! #mtb #bred #getoutside #snohio #crossfit
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Saturday, April 9, 2016
View from today's hike...just wrong... #snohio #ohiowx
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Saturday: 04.09 3 rounds not for time (just a warm-up): 6-8 light/moderate seated on floor (legs straight in front of you) DB shoulder presses, 21X1-35-45 :30 2-arm passive hang from bar + A. Power clean, build to a tough single in 10:00-245, missed 255...pulled high enough, just didn't get the elbows through... + 5 sets: 5 power cleans, 195 :30 rest 30 double-unders(UB except last set...) :30 rest + 3 sets @ 97% effort 8 alternating DB snatches, 70 10 burpees 12 row calories 5:00 walk rest 1:10 1:10 1:07 #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Friday, April 8, 2016
Friday: 04.08 A. Squat snatch, build to a moderate single in 10:00 - misses. 5:00ish to complete B. Back squats, 5-4-3 moderate, 22X1; 2:30 rest-#225-#245-#255 + For time @ 95% 65 toes-to-bar 65 wall balls, 20 to 10(15-15-15-10-10) 6:28...cramped at 42 on TTBs... + 3 sets not for time: 4-6/side moderate/tough 1-arm DB rows, no tempo-#70 15 light weighted hip extensions (plate or DB held @ chest) #10 #workfast #crossfit #crosfitmasters
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Thursday, April 7, 2016
41 degrees...smh #ohiowx #getoutside #bike #ride #crossfit
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Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Them boys @jdm87c @nathanparks9 and Drexel on the #AirDyne with @joaniegillum making sure that they keep the effort up! #fineairdyning
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Wednesday: 04.06 5:00-10:00 very light practice setting up for overhead squats w/bar starting on the ground + A. Overhead squat (from a rack), build to a moderate triple in 8:00 - #185 + For time @ 85%: 50 calorie row 35 barbell thrusters, 65 20 CTB pull-ups 5:48 + 10:00 walk rest + For time @ 90%: 50 calorie row 35 barbell thrusters, 65 20 CTB pull-ups 5:35 I am terrible at CTB Pull-ups... + 10:00 walk rest + For time: 50 row calories @ 95% 1:55 #crossfit #crosfitmasters
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Tuesday, April 5, 2016
At the Ohio Supreme Court with @JHSGOPO
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Tuesday! 04.05 A. 1 snatch-grip deadlift + 1 snatch pull, 6 x 1 @ snatch max(205); begin a set every :90 + 5 sets for time: 30 unbroken double-unders - 1:38 + For 10:00 - focus of smooth but fast cycle rate of movement: Evens: 14 alternating box step-up/step-down, 24(:31) Odds: 6 touch-and- go deadlifts @ 205 + 6 bar-facing burpees(:21) + 10 sets: :30 Assault Bike @ 90% aerobic(11 calories) :30 Assault Bike @ 50% #crossfit #crosfitmasters
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Monday, April 4, 2016
Oh yeah! @thebarbellbearclaw and @quadjilla41 killing that Death March! @samdancing #crossfit
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Monday: 04.04 A. Hang squat clean, build quickly to a moderate/tough triple - #205 B. Front squat, build quickly to a heavy (not max) single for the day - #275 C. Pistols, 5:00 practice...ehhhh + AMRAP in 5:00: 3 muscle-ups 6 squat cleans, 155 4 plus 2 MUs...couldn't push it on this piece today for some reason... + 3 sets not for time, rest between movements: 10 unbroken toes-to-bar(:14) 20 unbroken wall balls(:35) #crossfit #crossfitmasters
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Sunday, April 3, 2016
Back on the trail for a frosty ride! #frozentoes #getoutside #mtb #bike #crossfit
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Saturday, April 2, 2016
Saturday...knocking the rust off and build to the Master's Qualifier! 04.02 A. Squat snatch, 8:00 technique work - 10+ reps at 135...felt OK B1. Back squat, 5-5-5 building so only last set in tough, 20X1; :90 rest -225-255-275 B2. Muscle-ups, 3 x 6 unbroken; :90 rest + 9:00 @ 80%: 3 handstand push-ups 6 power cleans, 155 3 handstand push-ups 9 row calories 5 rounds and 3 HSPU + 3 sets @ 97%: 7 toes-to-bar 7 burrpees :10 Assault Bike 4:00 Assault Bike @ 50% #crossfitgames #crosfitmasters
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