May not have been the smartest thing I've done, but I wanted to get this workout in today! Roads were very sketchy on my way to the school. I unlocked the gates and was treated to a pristine hill to climb, and I am so glad I have an AWD vehicle. S
8:00 15 Thrusters #95, 15 pullups
4 rounds - This was tough for me. I made it through the first round unbroken on the thrusters and the pull-ups, and finished it in around 1:20. The remaining rounds I broke the thrusters and pull-ups into 3 sets of 5, and was able to stay under the redline. This couplet always smokes me.
4:00 rest - recovery went well
8:00 200m run + 3 bar muscle ups
5 rounds plus 200 meter run - I felt ok on the runs, still pretty slow (40ish seconds each and probably slower as it progressed). I'm still not comfortable on bar muscle-ups since busting my ribs up on a missed one a few months ago. The first round went in singles, second and third was in 2 - 1, and I hit 3 unbroken in rounds four and five. I was out of sync when coming down and pushing my feet and hips very far forward and losing the rhythm. I fixed it a bit as this one progressed.
4:00 rest
8:00 3 clean and jerks #135, 3 TTB then 6, 9, etc.
12 + 12 reps - As this portion was similar to Open 13.4 (a minute longer), and I had hoped to make it through the round of 15. I finished the round of 12 and was able to get through 12 clean and jerks. This one really knocked me down. My plan was to hit the clean and jerks in 3s, and do the toes-to-bar unbroken. I stayed with the plan through the round of 9 and then began run out of juice, and had to break up the clean and jerks into doubles and singles. I was able to keep the T2B unbroken, and then had to drop to all singles for the round of 15 clean and jerk. I really felt hammered by this one.
4:00 rest
8:00 50m farmer carry heavy (#100 each hand) + 3 wall walks + 15 air squats
5 rounds + 3 air squats - This was a repeat of the final 8 minute session from last Saturday. I felt very good on the first farmer carry with the #100s, much better than last week and I was able to not set them down the first two rounds. The first two rounds felt very solid. My grip was starting to go on round 3 so I set the #100s down at the turn around point from here on out. My wallk walk for rounds 3, 4 , 5 felt round on the way down, they were not pretty. The air squats were fine, no issues. Overall this portion felt a lot better than last week.
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