With that in mind, the morning WOD crew did some skill work. The intent was to take
Dynamic Warm-up (all while moving)
- Ankle mobility·
- Knee hugs
- Quads stretches
- Walking Sampson Stretch
- The inch worm
- Walking Pistols
- The spider walk
- The toy-soldier march
- Walking toe touch
- High Knees
- Butt Kicks
- Karaoke
Skill Work:
Short practice with each of the following moves (ring dips, med ball cleans, double unders, and hand stand push ups). We also looked at the following scales for each of the movements:
- Ring dips - using the parrelletes for dips
- Med Ball cleans (no scale)
- Double Unders - divide single unders by three
- HSPU - hand stand kick up and floor push-up
3 Rounds for total reps:
1:00 Ring Dips
:30 rest
1:00 Medicine Ball (#20) Cleans
:30 rest
1:00 Double Unders
:30 rest
1:00 Hand Stand Push-ups
:30 rest
This was a tough workout skill and strength-wise. The movements really checked your skill. The key to being able to put up high numbers was staying efficient in your movements. As you approached the ring dips it was important to not waste a rep as fatigue set-in, a no-rep used almost the same effort as a good rep (same for the HSPUs). I was able to string out 14 dips early and hope to be able to eventually get to 21 unbroken. The MB cleans was a good chance for me to focus on technique for any clean. I need to get better at getting myself under the bar. One bright spot was being able to string together 30 dubs at the start of each minute. I need to clean up my technique a bit, I'm still pretty rough with the donkey kick and shoulder use. I can still feel my shoulders from last weeks WODs and I felt weak on the HSPUs...need to program more of these and introduce structured skill sessions to work on depth and kipping for this movement.
All in all, it was a pretty good morning and I was able to get 302 reps for the WOD.
After school we did the Cove Ride. It was a brisk 39 to start and the temperatures dipped down to 34 by the end of the ride. These rides are always tough to dress for as they start out sunny and end as the sun sets and the temp drop (and you're sweaty at that point). I had the typical Mavic, Pearl, Windstopper and it was probably a layer too much for the ride.
Riding into the wind always adds that little extra level-up to the ride, especially as we climbed and turn onto Jisco West for the final part of the climb and were smacked in the face by the zonal flow. I needed the extra effort and the slightly longer route to wake my legs back up from being off the bike over Christmas vacation. Hopefully the weather and snow-melt cooperates so that we can can get to Shawnee State forest on Sunday.
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