Theme of the week: Building Work Capacity
I feel very lucky to get to train with some great guys. This morning at 5:30 AM we tackled a continous 3 round workout:
3 rounds for reps (:55 work/:15 rest)
Row for calories
Wall Ball (#20)
Box Jumps (24")
Single-unders (continuous but did not count in reps)
I was able to hit 358 reps. I went for over 21 calories eachtime on the Concept2, between 30 and 40 sit-ups, 23 or more wall balls (at least 20 unbroken), 15 - 20 pull-ups, and 15 - 18 box jumps. I was thoroughly spent. These workouts test your ability to continue to push through each minute to strive for that extra rep. Hopefully this will get me accustomed to some of the work that will be done in the Crossfit Countdown Throwdown in a couple of weeks.

Tonight on the bike we went looking for some snow (yeah, I know, exact opposite of what I wanted yesterday), so that Joe could test out his Kenda Small Block 8s. Needless to say, if you are looking for it it is nowhere to be found. However, we did get to enjoy some nice "Iron" road bed. The ride itself was a nice relaxing recovery ride on the Redline Monocog 29er (36x15) to flush out the legs form yesterday,.
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