Run 400m x6 Rest 2 minutes
Splits were: 1:22, 1:21, 1:22, 1:23, 1:24, 1:26
Power Clean and Jerk 10 X 1 EMOM
Starting at #155, I worked up #155, #165, #175, #185, #195, #205, #210, #215 (w/ 1 fail), #220, #225, and then hit for #230 after the 10 minutes were up. These felt surprisingly good.

EMOM 8 minutes:
Odds: 3 Muscle ups
Evens: 3 Bar Muscle ups
I went unbroken on these. I need to clean up my technique on the bar muscle ups, I was very right arm dominant. Also, cycling these, I began to initiate the swing more with my feet instead of my shoulder and driving my hips to the bar.

AD: 2 minutes for calories - I finished with 50 calories. This was BAD! I was at 29 after minute 1 and then struggled to push through to the end.
A. Snatch tech work. 15 minutes.
This one felt rusty as I haven't really snatched since early in the Open. I was able to build to #155 today.
Lactic Endurance segment of today's training was a repeat of a series that I hit in late February.
3 Rounds
5 shoulder to overhead #155
7 burpees, AFAP
3:10, this was a bit longer than February (2:45), but I used #155 instead of #135. The weight felt heavy on the first round and then I was able to find a bit more of a groove on the second rounds. I started to slow near the end of the TTB, and on the final set I went 5-4 to cycle more quickly.
rest 4:00
3 Rounds
2 Bar Muscle ups
7 KBS - #88
30 double unders
2:45 which was 7 seconds faster than February. The muscle ups are still not as smooth as I'd like them. Using my right arm too much to push up and over, I need more hip drive. The 7 heavy KBS were ok, I really didn't want any more than the 7! I went unbroken on the first 2 sets of DUs and missed at 24 on the final set. overall not bad.
rest 4:00
30 Squat Cleans, #95
2:54 (31 seconds faster than February) This one really spends me. I went 10-5 and then doubles and singles. I was getting smoked in the lower back and my hamstrings were fried, not allowing me to reset low. I need to get more solid on the technique for this movement!
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