Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday April 28th, 2014

A. Back Squat - 3 x 10 @ 65% of 1RM. Rest 2:00

I went with #205 on these today, no Oly shoes either. I'm trying to improve my mobility without the added equipment for help.

B. Hang snatch (mid-thigh) - 5 sets of 3 reps @ 65% of 1RM

I used #95 on these. My turnover felt slow. I'm also dealing with a hyper-extended thumb that is an issue on the turnover and in overhead position. This just popped up Saturday morning, and only seems to be an issue on Snatching.

C. Halting Snatch Deadlift (hip) - 80% (of snatch) x 3 x 3

I used #145 on these. Not a problem, positions felt solid.

D. Overhead Squat - 5 sets of 3 reps at 65% of 1RM

I used #(5 on this as well, focused on depth and had the same thumb, wrist issue, although it felt better toward the end.


50 Burpees for time.

I finished these in 1:56. I then I could have gone a bit faster at the start. i was at 28 at the minute mark. 

Tomorrow, I'll see if the thumb, hand issue limits me on any of the work. i'll play it a bit conservative. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Saturday, April 26th 2014

I decided to do the final workout form the 2013 Master's CrossFit Games:

For time
100 DUs
100m run
4 rope Climbs
100m run
30 Axle Bar Front Squats #130
100m Farmer Carry #70 DB
20 Alt DB Snatch #70
100m run

I finished this in 8:46, which is 1:38 faster than I did it last summer. Looking at the movements, I broke once on the DUs, didn't stall too much on the rope climbs, broke the cleans into 6s, didn't set the DBS down on the carry, and struggled a bit with the snatches.   The runs were ok, I'm not going to be a fast runner. The break on the DUs came as I move to stay out of the way from my buddies runs for their workout. I need to dial in some technique on the rope climbs, I am using too much arms and not using my legs enough.  The axle cleans were tough for me to stay in a solid front rack. I need to work on hip, ankle and shoulder mobility. Gains in this would help staying upright, and ease the load on my knees as well.  The framer carry was fine, after carrying 100s and more on the handle carries, these weren't a problem.   Going overhead for the snatches kicked my tail a bit.  I told myself to just keep picking up the DB and to drop and use my legs.  

Overall I am pleased with how this one turned out.  Of course this is a workout that is closer to my wheelhouse than some.  I felt better on the axles than last time, and didn't set down the DB on the carry either. Next week it will be back to work on the holes in my game and back to dialing in my nutrition. I've been hitting a few #vicefriday type days! These are good to reset the system every now and then.  

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

CrossFit Games Master's Qualifier Workouts

One of the lasting lessons from CrossFit is that we all have something that we can learn. As of 8:00 tonight (Monday), my 2014 CrossFit Games season has come to a finish with the close of the submissions of the Online Master's Qualifier workouts. This season, the top 200 were allowed to complete four additional workouts in order to earn a bid to Carson California and the 2014 CrossFit Games. When the format change was announced, my goal was to be in the top 200 athletes competing in my age group. After the Open, I finished inside the top 100 (94th). Getting a taste of success in the Open, I had aspirations of making a run at the top 50 for the Master's Qualifier. Things definitely didn't go as planned. I have a new appreciation for the programming of the Open and the Qualifier after this weekend. I found myself lacking in a few areas. I have found weaknesses to work on in the coming months. 

Workout#1: establish a 1 rep max clean

I was able to clean #240, my PR and a weight that I have been stuck under for a couple of months. I pulled #245 high enough to kiss the bar, but couldn't get under it. 

Take Aways: 

  1. I need to increase my overall strength. #240 was well south of the #280+ of the games qualifiers. 
  2. I need to be comfortable catching the weight low (squat clean). Which leads into
  3. Increase my mobility in front rack position and getting low in all my movements. 

Workout #2: Amanda - 9-7-5 Muscle Ups and #135 Squat Snatches

Going into this season, I knew that snatching was a pronounced weakness of mine. I was able to hide this during the Open, since they were only #75. Amanda is a "Girls" workout named for Amanda Miller, a CrossFit athlete who lost her battle with cancer in 2010. This was a tough combination of high skill and strength. I thought I would handle the muscle ups well, and I did ok, finishing the 9s in 6-3 (45s). Moving onto the snatches, I began with several fails. At one point, I considered shutting it down, but I wanted to give an honest effort and assessment of myself, so I pushed through the fails and continued.  The 7s went fine in the MUs, and felt better in the snatches. I fell into as much of a rhythm as I could. The 5s were much the same, and I was able to finish sub-10 minutes. My score on the leaderboard won't reflect it, as CrossFit Games felt that I did not achieve full depth on one squat snatch and full lockout on another, and I was assessed a 30 second penalty. 

Take Aways:

  1. I need to develop my skill in the technical lifts. 
  2. I need to work on my mobility (both hips, ankles, and shoulders)
  3. I need to not have to do video submissions! (I understand it's part of not working out at an affiliate, and I'm alright with that part. I believe that the modifications should provide specific feedback on the reps that were disallowed. The only way to improve is with feedback.)
  4. I need to be more efficient in my muscle ups, still breaking in too many pieces. 
  5. I need to develop positional strength. I felt weak in the back at times on this workout. I'm not comfortable in those uncomfortable positions yet. 
Workout #3: 3 round - 50 calorie row, 15 HSPU, 50 DUs. 

Going into workout #3, I felt that it was within my wheelhouse. I had hoped to finish this workout near the 12 min mark, hopefully below. I was very wrong about this! I finished just shy of 20 minutes, mainly due to my failure to master HSPUs. The rows were ok, I finished in 2:10, 2:42 (less transition time from DUs), and 2:58(less transition time from DUs). The DUs ranged from 33s to 48s. Aside from the HSPUs, I had less than 10 min of working time. I fell apart on the HSPUs. In a workout with 45 of them, I failed 21 times on the HSPU, mostly after locking out my shoulders, and then my heels would come off the wall. I felt drained, mentally, from this workout. 

Take Aways:

  1. I need to get stronger overhead. I had trouble maintaining the lockout at the top of the HSPU.
  2. I need to work on positioning and technique for my HSPUs. 
  3. I need to make every rep count.
 Workout #4: 100 pull-ups, 100 wall balls for time

On paper, I saw this as a very demanding workout from the standpoint of recovery. Since tearing my hands over the last couple of months, I have become more cautious with high rep pull-up workout. I also felt that my quads would get smoked from the wall balls. Not even a day later, and I can say that the quads are tight, my hands are fine, but lats are fried. I finished this workout in 12:24. i had hoped to get close to the 10 minute mark for this workout, but I that didn't hold. I finished the pull-ups in just under 7 minutes and the wall balls in just over 5. I definitely need to get better with cycling the pull-up. 

Take Aways:
  1. I need to be smoother in my pull-ups, and work on the butterfly pull-ups so that I can cycle them more quickly. I still break too much on my kip. 
  2. I need to be able to go into that dark place and spend some time there, I feel like I paced myself too much on these workouts. 
Overall, I finished 154th out of the 200. Not what I was looking for going into the weekend. I definitely have some weaknesses to smooth out. I don't want to dwell on too much negative. I have a new motivation going forward. New goals. New expectations for myself. CrossFit is about finding out things about yourself. Going forward from here, I plan to deload this week, before getting back to training for 2015 next week. I hope to get out in the woods on some singletrack this weekend to reset my system. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesday April 16th, 2014

Today was the last day to prime the pump before the Master's Qualifier workouts are announced by CrossFit HQ on the games site Thursday night.  Overall today felt pretty good.  I had. Mysterious pop/crack sound in my right knee that sounded bad, but didn't hurt. Of course by the time the thrusters were finished, you couldn't hear it anymore!
A. Clean and jerk gaunlet. EMOM. Start at 135 and add #10 every minute till max.

I worked up to #225 with successful reps.  I failed my first attempt at #235, was able to clean it on my second attempt, but could not get it overhead. Overall pretty satisfied with this portion. I need to get more comfortable getting under the weight.  

B. 7 Minute AMRAP 85%
7 thrusters #95
7 bar facing burpees
7 kbs #88
I went unbroken on all of the thrusters and kettlebell swings. The burpees probably gases me the most for some reason, probably coming after the thrusters.  I was able to get through 4 rounds, 7 thrusters and 2 burpees.  

Video for the AMRAP
(I'll change to embed later)

:60 row, all out.
  I hit 32 calories on this portion.  I felt strong for the first 30ish seconds and then faded just a bit.  

Tuesday April 15th, 2014

Front Squat - 4 x 3, 31X1 rest 3:00

Working sets of #205, #205, #215, #215

3 Rounds at 70% effort
4 Bar MU
10 Wallball #30 to 11'
10 alternating pistols

I kept the rounds under 4 minutes each and concentrated are being unbroken as much as possible. I kipped the HSPU and hit the first 10, and then went 4-4-2 on the other rounds. i was able to go unbroken on the bar muscle ups, not sure how warmed up I was in the upper body, because these didn't feel very good til the third round. The wall balls went unbroken, and these were tough going higher. The pistols felt better than usual today, this is still tough on me. 

Overall, I'm feeling a bit of fatigue today, hopefully I'll get some rest in after school today. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday, April 14th 2014

The CrossFit Games online Master's Qualifier is just a few days away, so I put in some work this morning.

A. Snatch Clusters 4 set x 2.2.2 with a 20s rest in between.

My working weights were #75, #95, #115 and #125. Mixed results on these. My technique is not dialed yet. 

B. Power Cleans 3 - 2 - 1 - 1

I worked up to #205 for a triple, #215 for a double, and singles of #220. I had very slow elbows today. My back was really arched, and I was catching with a full grip instead of a good front rack. 

C. Walking Overhead Lunges with Axle Bar x 12 steps

I completed the first four sets with #110 and finished the last set with #130. These felt surprisingly good compared to the rest of the work. 

D. AirDyne 5 sets 1 min high aerobic effort / 1 min easy spin with 1 min max effort for calories at the end

I held the high effort in the 300s on the wattage, and the low effort in the low 100s. This was a tough grind. I went immediately into the max effort after the last easy spin and was able to hold the 500s for the first 15 seconds, and then began to fall off. I was able to keep the entire minute over the 350 wattage range, I finished with 29 calories. This was a definite improvement over last week. I think I've put the sick crude behind me. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Saturday April 12th, 2014

Today's session was heavy for me. In the past I have stayed away from the heavier weights, today was about getting out of my comfort zone. 

In 15 minutes and taken from the ground establish a 3 rep max overhead squat.

I was able to work up to #180 on this one. It's been a while since I've tried to max out on the overhead squat, and this was well above what I was doing for a single a year ago. I still need to work on mobility on the ankles and hips (mainly ankles). Today, I felt like I was failing at my wrists.

then for time:


Squat Cleans #215
Muscle Ups

This was humbling. I was hoping to finish under 7 minutes, and it ended up being 12:27. The weight was tough for me. When I worked to a max out on the squat clean earlier in the week, I was only able to get under #215, so this was close to a max for me. The first round of 7 had several fails in it. Most of the misses were failure to keep the bar close, early arm pull, and slow elbows on the turn over.   The muscle ups were fine, I broke them into 4-3. The round of 5s had a fail, and I actually ended up doing 6 because for some reason I lost my ability to count to five (crazy how that works). I went unbroken on the muscles ups. The round of 3 was better than the others, I had one fail and then went unbroken on the muscle ups. This was hard. I felt slow and weak on the squat cleans. 

On a positive note, whatever cold/infection I've been struggling with the past few days seems to have broken and I felt better, not 100% but better. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wednesday April 9th, 2014


A. On a 15-minute running clock:

Run 1 mile - in the remaining time, take one attempt to establish a single set of unbroken Kettlebell Swings #70

I finished the mile in 7:37, still feeling under the weather. I only managed 40 swings with the #70 on this one.

B. On a 15-minute running clock:

Run 1 mile - in the remaining time, take one attempt to establish a single set of unbroken Double-Unders

I finished just over 7 minutes for the run and then hit 133 DUs before breaking.


1 Power Clean & 2 split Jerks 10 X 1 EMOM

I worked up to #205 on this portion. I am not dropping low enough to gain an advantage on this movement. Lots of technique work to do on this one.


EMOM 10:

Even: 4 Muscle ups

Odds: 3 deadlifts heavy, 3 box jumps 30"

I went #315 touch and go, and bounding on the box jumps. I finished unbroken in sets of 4 on the muscle ups. Everything felt real solid on these.

then 1000 meter row - I finished under 4 minutes, but my lungs were protesting on the one. If I don't feel an improvement in the morning, it's off to the "Doc-In-A-Box" for a Z pack for me. I detest feeling this way!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuesday, April 8th 2014

Some days you have it and some days you get it handed to you. Today, I had it handed to me. I started coughing and felt some rattle in my chest last night as I was heading home. I woke up this morning with it still there and feeling zapped. I still went ahead with my training this morning, and I'm hoping it will move out quickly!

A. Squat Clean - build to a max in 15 minutes

I was able to work up to #215 on this one. My previous 3 rep was at #205, so this may be as heavy as i have squat cleaned. I still need some work on this one. 

B. Front Squat - 4 x 4, 31X1 rest 3:00

I worked at #185, #205, #210 and #215 on this one. I needed to pause a bit more in the bottom. I didn't feel fast or powerful coming out of the hole on this one today. 

3 Rounds
10 alt DB snatch, #70
10 CTB pullups
10 Wallball #30 to 10'
10 Row Cals.
Rest 2:00 between rounds

Round 1 - 1:57
Round 2 - 2:00
Round 3 - 2:00

All these round went pretty much the same. I felt ok with the DB snatch. The CTB pull-ups felt very good (about the only movement all day that did) and I hit all unbroken. I stayed unbroken on the wall balls, but it was tough. Finally, I didn't feel very good on the rower at all today. 

Rest 10:00
3:00 AD for calories

I really had it handed to me on this one today. I was barely able to keep the wattage in the 300s and high 200s on this one. I finished with about 60 calories today. 

This was rough going today, and hopefully I'll be fully ready to get after it tomorrow!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday, April 7th 2014

Today was a bit bit heavier than usual and I was able to get some time in under the new Rogue Stubby Axle!

A. Snatch clusters 4 x 1.1.1, :20 between reps, rest: 2:00. Focus on speed/quality reps.

I worked up to #155, but I had a fail and two rather sketchy reps. I'm a little more confident in hitting this than a couple of month ago, but I really need dial these. My technique is not smooth, especially the second and third pulls. I'm not keeping it close enough.

B. Snatch pulls 3 x 3 rest as needed, 105% of max in A.

I used #175 for these(missed my math just a bit). These were not very smooth feeling.

C. Axel power clean. Work to a heavy single in 15 minutes

I was able to work up to #200 on the axle. I missed my first attempt and hit the second. These are going to take some time to get comfortable (relative term with an axle).

Then For time:

25 TTB
25 STO, #165 on Axel
25m. Walking lunge w/ Axle in Front rack #165

I finished this one in 12:15. The weight and movements were tough. I strung together 9 Kipping HSPU to start, then fell apart on them. I could nt find a good cycle with them. I moved to the TTB and knocked them out relatively quickly, hitting 8-8-5-4 before moving onto the STO. The #165 on the axle felt heavy! I broke the reps up: 5-4(fails to lock out 5)-3-3-4-5 and then moved onto the lunge. The lunge was very tough! I broke twice on the walk. 

All in all, I felt pretty ok this morning. 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Saturday April 5th, 2014


A. Front Squat - build to a heavy triple
I worked up to #235. That weight felt good for a triple, except coming out the hole on rep 3 I had the bar slip out of my hand and I caught it with my shoulder and finished out the rep. I tend to be ok for 1-2 reps and then my hand (usually left) starts to slip away.

B. Weighted dip: build to a tough single
For whatever reason, these didn't feel like they were clicking today. I managed to hit #93 on this before failing at #103.

then for time:

2000 meter row

30 Thrusters #135

1000 meter row

20 Thruster #135

500 meter row

10 Thrusters #135

I finished this in 21:54. I held my row split to 7:36, 3:45, and 1:50. I had to breaak the thrusters up as follows: In the 30s I went 5-5-4-3-3-3-2-3-2. On the 20s I went 5-4-3-3-3-2 and on the final set I went 4-3-3. This was a tough piece. I tried to hold back on the row and I was able to get off the rower, chalk my hands, and walk to the bar to start the reps. I don't seem to be able to find a rhythm on the #135 thrusters. I seem to loose some hip pop to get the weight floating before locking out over head.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Wednesday - Thursday Training Sessions

Run 400m x6 Rest 2 minutes

Splits were: 1:22, 1:21, 1:22, 1:23, 1:24, 1:26


Power Clean and Jerk 10 X 1 EMOM

Starting at #155, I worked up #155, #165, #175, #185, #195, #205, #210, #215 (w/ 1 fail), #220, #225, and then hit for #230 after the 10 minutes were up. These felt surprisingly good.

EMOM 8 minutes:
Odds: 3 Muscle ups
Evens: 3 Bar Muscle ups

I went unbroken on these. I need to clean up my technique on the bar muscle ups, I was very right arm dominant. Also, cycling these, I began to initiate the swing more with my feet instead of my shoulder and driving my hips to the bar.


AD: 2 minutes for calories - I finished with 50 calories. This was BAD! I was at 29 after minute 1 and then struggled to push through to the end.


A. Snatch tech work. 15 minutes.

This one felt rusty as I haven't really snatched since early in the Open. I was able to build to #155 today.

Lactic Endurance segment of today's training was a repeat of a series that I hit in late February.

3 Rounds
5 shoulder to overhead #155
7 burpees, AFAP

3:10, this was a bit longer than February (2:45), but I used #155 instead of #135. The weight felt heavy on the first round and then I was able to find a bit more of a groove on the second rounds. I started to slow near the end of the TTB, and on the final set I went 5-4 to cycle more quickly.

rest 4:00

3 Rounds
2 Bar Muscle ups
7 KBS - #88
30 double unders

2:45 which was 7 seconds faster than February. The muscle ups are still not as smooth as I'd like them. Using my right arm too much to push up and over, I need more hip drive. The 7 heavy KBS were ok, I really didn't want any more than the 7! I went unbroken on the first 2 sets of DUs and missed at 24 on the final set. overall not bad.

rest 4:00

30 Squat Cleans, #95

2:54 (31 seconds faster than February) This one really spends me. I went 10-5 and then doubles and singles. I was getting smoked in the lower back and my hamstrings were fried, not allowing me to reset low. I need to get more solid on the technique for this movement!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesday April 1st, 2014

Power Clean 3-2-1-1 2:00 rest

I was able to hit 215 for a triple, and then 2 singles at #225. I felt ok pulling the #235, but couldn't quite get under for the catch (maybe some more/heavier front squats?). 

3 Rounds
5 deficit HSPU
10 CTB Pullups
15 AD Calories
45 Double unders
Rest 2 minutes between rounds

I finished the first round in 2:02, the second in 2:17, and the third in 2:13. 

Round one was solid overall, I was able to hit strict on the HSPU, went unbroken on the CTB (got slow at the end), hold the AD wattage to high 400s, and finish unbroken on the DUs. 

Round two was a bit longer, broke on the HSPU, kipped 3 of them, split the CTB into 5s, started feeling it on the AD, and ad to mess with the rope to get untangled for DUs (unbroken again).

Round three felt better, kipped all of the HSPU, hit the CTB unbroken (felt solid), AD was still bad (300s wattage), and unbroken again on the DUs.

Rest exactly 10 minutes

60 seconds AD all out, and was able to hit for 32 calories. This was bad, real bad!

Overall, I am still feeling some fatigue from the 14.5 test over the weekend, or I'm coming down with something (hopefully not). Trying to get rid of a headache this morning!